- 得恩谷與紅藜麵包
- 得恩谷生態民宿
Deengorge is a transliteration of the indigenous name for this place.
In the past, residents of Duona Village working in Lumusu (Maolin Gorge) had to walk there. Upon arriving at the Deen Gorge terrace, each person would move a stone to have a place to sit, as they let the gentle breezes and the fragrance of flowers soothe their weary bodies, muscles, nerves, and mind. After a period of rest, they continued on until everyone had reached their destination. So, Deen Gorge is a place to rest, catch one’s breath, and wait for one another. Deen Gorge is on a large area of slate. So, no matter how many times it has been washed by rain, it remains unscathed. Over time, the Rukai people began to call it “the place blessed by the ancestral spirits.”
『羅木斯』的故事是布農族人陳敬吉鐵匠從藤枝來迎娶多納賴月雲魯凱族公主時,因為藤枝發生瘟疫,多納頭目就讓陳敬吉鐵匠和賴月雲公主定居在羅木斯,而得恩谷是其中一塊平台階,在得恩谷種了許多賴以為生的地瓜、旱稻、養牛隻等等,萬山腳平地人剛從嘉義開墾到萬山腳,生活清苦。賴月雲公主不失為頭目家女的大氣,只要有人求吃飯,不管是平地人還是原住民來到羅木斯都可拿到地瓜或地瓜苗。This is the story of Lumusu. A blacksmith from the indigenous Bunun tribe, named Chen Jing-Ji, came from Tengzhi to marry a Rukai princess from Duona, named Lai Yue-Yun. As there was an epidemic in Tengzhi, the chieftain of Duona allowed the couple to settle in Lumusu. Deen Gorge is terrace land. Staple crops, such as sweet potatoes and upland rice, were grown, and cattle were raised. Han Chinese people arrived from Chiayi to open up farmland at the foot of Wanshan and life was difficult for them. The princess maintained her role as the daughter of a chieftain. If anyone came to Lumusu in need of food, no matter if Han Chinese or indigenous, they were offered sweet potatoes or sweet potato slips.
# 得恩谷生態民宿 # 夜間生態導覽 # 天然溪水 # 麵包體驗
# 蝶SVONGVONG烘焙坊 # 紅藜麵包 # 馬告手拍豬漢堡